Surgery>>>>>Colon, Rectum, and Anus
Question 13#

A 19-year-old man with medically refractor ulcerative colitis undergoes a total colectomy with J-pouch creation. What are some of the late complications of ileal pouchanal reconstruction? 

A. More than eight bowel movements per day
B. Nocturnal incontinence
C. Pouchitis
D. Small bowel obstruction
E. All of the above

Correct Answer is E


The functional outcome of ileal pouch-anal reconstruction is not always perfect. Patients should be counseled to expect 8 to 10 bowel movements per day. Up to 50% have some degree of nocturnal incontinence. Pouchitis occurs in nearly 50% of patients who undergo the operation for chronic ulcerative colitis, and small bowel obstruction is common. Pouches fail in 5 to 10% of patients.