Surgery>>>>>Inguinal Hernias
Question 10#

The triangle of pain is bordered by all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Iliopubic tract
B. Ductus deferens
C. Gonadal vessels
D. Reflected peritoneum

Correct Answer is B


The preperitoneal anatomy seen in laparoscopic hernia repair led to characterization of important anatomic areas of interest, known as the triangle of doom, the triangle of pain, and the circle of death (Fig. below). The triangle of doom is bordered medially by the vas deferens and laterally by the vessels of the spermatic cord. The contents of the space include the external iliac vessels, deep circumflex iliac vein, femoral nerve, and genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve. The triangle of pain is a region bordered by the iliopubic tract and gonadal vessels, and it encompasses the lateral femoral cutaneous, femoral branch of the genitofemoral, and femoral nerves. The circle of death is a vascular continuation formed by the common iliac, internal iliac, obturator, inferior epigastric, and external iliac vessels.

Borders and contents of the A. triangle of doom and B. triangle of pain. a . = a rtery; Ant. = anterior; br. = branch; Lat. = lateral; n. = nerve; v. = vein.