Surgery>>>>>Surgery of the Hand and Wrist
Question 9#

All hand infections EXCEPT the following require surgical management:

A. Paronychia
B. Felon
C. Cellulitis
D. Osteomyelitis

Correct Answer is C


All hand infections other than cellulitis will require surgical management. Clinical examination, particularly noting the area of greatest tenderness and/or inflammation, is the single most useful diagnostic tool to localize any purulence requiring drainage. Specific recommendations for differentiating among the possible locations of hand infection are included in the diagnostic algorithm shown in Fig. below.

Diagnostic algorithm. Diagnostic workup for a patient with hand inflammation to evaluate for infection. See text for details a bout particular infectious diagnoses. Abx = antibiotics; exam = examination; FTS = flexor tenosynovitis; IFMC = i ndex finger metacarpal; IV = intravenous; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; SF MC = small finger metacarpal.