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Question 36#

The following statement is true with regards to the facial nerve: 

A. The buccal branch is crucial for lower eyelid function
B. The function of the stapedius muscle is lost if the facial nerve nucleus itself is ablated or infarcted, leading to hyperacusis
C. It is the most commonly damaged nerve during facelift surgery
D. Branches include the postauricular branch to occipitalis and a branch to the anterior belly of digastric
E. Damage to the mandibular branch is less likely to cause sequelae than damage to the buccal branch

Correct Answer is A


The buccal branch is crucial for lower eyelid function. The medial canthal fibres of the buccal branch of VII are important innervators of the inferior/medial orbicularis. Although innervated by the facial nerve, the cell bodies of origin supplying stapedius lie outside the facial nerve nucleus - hence preserved stapedius function can be of diagnostic use when tested. The most commonly injured nerve during facelift surgery is the greater auricular nerve. Due to greater arborisation, the buccal branch of the facial nerve is less likely to reveal a functional deficit when damaged. Damage to the mandibular branch almost inevitably leads to loss of depressor anguli oris function. The facial nerve supplies the posterior belly of digastric.