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Question 49#

Who first described the latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap? 

A. William Steward Halsted in 1882
B. Alexis Carrel in 1912
C. Iginio Tansini in 1896
D. Lumniczer Sandor in 1844
E. Jules-Emile Péan in 1893

Correct Answer is C


Iginio Tansini in 1896. The latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap procedure was firstly described by the Italian pioneer surgeon Iginio Tansini (1855- 1943) in 1896. The flap procedure was combined with a radical mastectomy and was used to close the chest wall defect. The radical mastectomy was developed and first performed by William Stewart Halsted (1852-1922) in 1882.

Lumniczer Sandor (1821-1892) published a dissertation on plastic surgery in Hungarian in 1844 (first Hungarian plastic surgery book). Jules-Emile Péan (1830-1898), leader French surgeon of the era, performed a shoulder reconstruction using total joint arthroplasty in 1893. Alexis Carrel (1873-1944) was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1912 for new techniques in vascular sutures and pioneering work in transplantology and thoracic surgery.


  1. Tansini I. Nuovo processo per l’amputazione della mammaella perla cancre. Reforma Medica 1896; 12: 3.
  2. Maxwell G. Iginio Tansini and the origin of the latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap. Plast Reconstr Surg 1980; 65: 686-92.