Cardiology>>>>>Cardiac Rehabilitation
Question 4#

When advising patients about the DVLA regulations governing the entitlement to drive a private car or motorcycle,

which one of the following statements is correct?

A. After an ACS successfully treated by PCI, patients can drive after  week providing that their ejection fraction is >15%
B. After an elective PCI patients cannot drive for 24 hours
C. After a CABG patients cannot drive for 4 weeks
D. Patients with angina can continue driving even if symptoms occur at rest, with emotion, or at the wheel
E. After an ACS for which treatment with PCI has been unsuccessful, patients can drive after 4 months

Correct Answer is C


Patients with angina should stop driving if symptoms occur at rest, with emotion, or at the wheel. Following an ACS, patients who have undergone successful PCI may drive after 1 week provided that no other urgent revascularization is planned and that their LVEF is >40% pre-discharge. Patients with an ACS who have not successfully been treated by PCI can drive after 4 weeks. Patients can drive 1 week after an elective PCI and 4 weeks after a CABG.