Surgery>>>>>Minimally Invasive Surgery
Question 1#

The most common arrhythmia seen during laparoscopy is:

A. Atrial fibrillation
B. Sinus tachycardia
C. Premature ventricular contractions
D. Sinus bradycardia

Correct Answer is D


The pressure effects of the pneumoperitoneum on cardiovascular physiology also have been studied. In the hypovolemic individual, excessive pressure on the inferior vena cava and a reverse Trendelenburg position with loss of lower extremity muscle tone may cause decreased venous return and cardiac output. This is not seen in the normovolemic patient. The most common arrhythmia created by laparoscopy is bradycardia. A rapid stretch of the peritoneal membrane often causes a vagovagal response with bradycardia and occasionally hypotension. The appropriate management of this event is desufflation of the abdomen, administration of vagolytic agents ( eg, atropine), and adequate volume replacement.