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Category: Q&A Medicine--->Practice Examination
Page: 19

Question 91# Print Question

A 62-year-old woman with a history of alcoholism and homelessness presents to the Emergency Department because of abdominal pain. She has not been to the doctor in years and does not take any medications, herbs, or supplements. She is afebrile but is jaundiced with abdominal distention, pitting edema of the lower extremities, and palmar erythema. Her laboratory values are significant for the following.

  • Hemoglobin   10.2 g/dL
  • Leukocyte count   8,300/mm3
  • Platelets   71,000/mm3
  • Sodium   131 mEq/L
  • Creatinine   1.8 mg/dL
  • Albumin   1.8 g/dL
  • Total bilirubin   7.0 mg/dL
  • Direct bilirubin   5.4 mg/dL
  • Aspartate aminotransferase   74 U/L
  • Alanine aminotransferase   92 U/L

An ultrasound shows a small, nodular liver. IV fluids are given to the patient but her renal function does not improve.

Which of the following is the underlying mechanism of this patient’s renal failure?

A. Urinary tract obstruction
B. Neoplastic invasion
C. Toxic insult
D. Afferent arteriole vasodilation
E. Splanchnic vasodilation

Question 92# Print Question

A 41-year-old man presents for a routine health maintenance examination. The patient has no complaints other than a “nagging cough” for the past 2 weeks. He has a history of hypertension and diabetes and has smoked one pack of cigarettes per day for the last 15 years. His mother was diagnosed with colon cancer at the age of 52. Physical examination and routine laboratory values are all within normal limits.

Which of the following is the most appropriate step for this patient?

A. Colonoscopy now
B. Colonoscopy in 1 year
C. Colonoscopy at the age of 45
D. Colonoscopy at the age of 50

Question 93# Print Question

A 39-year-old man with a history of HSV encephalitis is brought into the hospital after experiencing a seizure that lasted several minutes. Further history reveals that this has happened several times previously. He is started on a medication and discharged. Several months later, the patient follows up and has the findings shown below.

Which of the following medications is most likely responsible?

A. Lorazepam
B. Valproic acid
C. Phenytoin
D. Phenobarbital

Question 94# Print Question

A 23-year-old college student is brought in by police to the Emergency Department in the middle of the night. He was found running down the street screaming, and is now extremely irritable and holding his chest. A full history cannot be obtained due to the patient’s altered mental status. On examination, he is hyperactive and diaphoretic, and old needle tracks are seen on his arms. His vitals show a temperature of 38.1°C, blood pressure of 154/92 mmHg, heart rate of 154 beats per minute, and respiratory rate of 18 breaths per minute. He has marked mydriasis. An ECG shows ST depression and T wave inversions in multiple leads. Urine toxicology screen and initial laboratory values are ordered.

Which of the following should NOT be given to the patient at this time?

A. Aspirin
B. Lorazepam
C. Metoprolol
D. Diltiazem
E. IV fluids

Question 95# Print Question

A 60-year-old woman with a longstanding history of rheumatoid arthritis presents to the Emergency Department with shortness of breath, productive cough, and fever. Chest x-ray shows right lower lobe consolidation, consistent with pneumonia, along with numerous rheumatoid nodules that are unchanged from prior x-rays. Her medical record shows that this is her third hospitalization this year. Laboratory values show a leukocyte count of 1,200/mm3 , and a diagnosis of Felty syndrome is made.

What additional finding would you expect in this patient?

A. Mildly elevated rheumatoid factor titers
B. Splenomegaly
C. Polycythemia, thrombocytosis, and hyperviscosity
D. Lack of response to disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs

Category: Q&A Medicine--->Practice Examination
Page: 19 of 20