Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

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Category: Cardiology--->Genetics, Lipids And Tumours
Page: 3

Question 11# Print Question

Which one of the following is not correct regarding the SCORE risk charts?

A. The UK is considered a low-risk population
B. Estimates the 10-year risk of a first fatal atherosclerotic event
C. Total CVD event risk can be estimated by multiplying by 3
D. Diabetes is part of the scoring system
E. >10% = very high risk, 5–10% = high risk, 1–5% = moderate risk, and <1% = low risk

Question 12# Print Question

A type 2 diabetic patient has proven microalbuminaemia. The fasting lipid profile is:

  • TC 4.0
  • LDL 1.9

What do you recommend regarding lipid control?

A. Continue current lifestyle regime
B. Escalation of lifestyle modification
C. If SCORE risk >10% start a statin—otherwise continue with lifestyle modification
D. Statin therapy
E. Increase oily fish consumption

Question 13# Print Question

A patient who has recently had a myocardial infarction asks you about their target cholesterol. 

What do you recommend?

A. LDL-C <1.8
B. LDL-C <2.5
C. TC <5.0 (LDL-C <3.0)
D. TC <4.0 (LDL-C <2.0)
E. LDL-C <2.0, HDL-C >2.0

Question 14# Print Question

A patient 12 months post myocardial infarction is complaining of muscle aches. The GP highlights that this may be due to simvastatin 80 mg and is concerned about myopathy. They have performed a CK test which is normal and recent fasting lipid profile reveals TC 4.5, LDL-C 2.2. There is no muscle weakness and the patient feels that the symptoms are currently tolerable.

What do you recommend?

A. Stop simvastatin and substitute with ezetimibe
B. Reduce simvastatin to 40 mg and assess progress
C. Substitute simvastatin with atorvastatin
D. Reduce simvastatin and add fibrate
E. Encourage continuation of current treatment

Question 15# Print Question

A 73-year-old woman has been given a fasting lipid test by her GP (TC 6.2, LDL 3.8). She feels that she has put on weight recently as a result of a general lack of energy and activity. The GP started simvastatin 40 mg nocte but the patient stopped it because she felt that it caused constipation. 

What do you recommend?

A. Investigate for secondary hypercholesterolaemia
B. Lifestyle advice, 30 minutes exercise five times per week, and consider referral to dietician
C. Encourage simvastatin re-initiation and advise that constipation is unlikely to be due to the statin
D. Advise an alternative lipid-lowering drug such as ezetimibe
E. Trial an alternative statin

Category: Cardiology--->Genetics, Lipids And Tumours
Page: 3 of 6