Concerning mastopexy:
Lassus is credited with describing the vertical mastopexy without undermining. Regnault classified ptosis in terms of the nipple position in relation to the IMF. The etymology of ptosis is from the Greek ‘to fall, falling’.
With regards to the management of pressure sores, which is true?
Serum albumin measurements are helpful as a prelude to surgery. Albumin is one serological marker of nutritional status. It is imperative that patients are nutritionally optimised prior to any surgery. Surgical treatment is only undertaken for the minority of pressure sores. MRI is one of the best investigations for osteomyelitis with high sensitivity and specificity.
1. Huang AB, Schweitzer ME, Hume E, Batte WG. Osteomyelitis of the pelvis/hips in paralyzed patients: accuracy and clinical utility of MRI. J Comp Assist Tomogr 1998; 22(3): 437-43.
Which of the statements below is not true? Autologous breast reconstruction, compared to implants, provides:
Better control of the breast cancer. C is false.
In the process of breast implant selection, the following are important except:
Bra and cup size. Bra and cup sizes are highly variable among manufacturers and even among countries. In addition, patient understanding of breast size as related to cup size is inaccurate. Several methods have been suggested to predict the appropriate size of an implant for breast augmentation. The pre-operative decision-making process is extremely important for the aesthetic outcome. Many factors should be considered in order to choose a suitable implant. Long-term outcome results depend on the quality of the envelope, implant characteristics, and the surgical technique. Tebbetts and Adams recommend the following implant assessment, referred to as “the high five critical decisions”:
With this process, the authors reported a 2.8-3% re-operation rate in 2000 patients followed up for more than 6 years.
1. Tebbetts JB, Adams WP. Five critical decisions in breast augmentation using five measurements in five minutes: the high five decision support process. Plast Reconstr Surg 2005; 116(7): 2005-16.
Which of the following statements is incorrect in reference to the dual plane breast augmentation technique?
It reduces capsular formation. This statement is incorrect. Dual plane augmentation is mainly indicated when soft tissue coverage is inadequate. It is a versatile technique because the extent of the subglandular dissection can be tailored to the degree of breast ptosis and allows for implant placement partially under the pectoralis major muscle. The soft tissue is redraped over the lower aspect of the implant. By this, the dual approach combines the advantages of both retropectoral and retroglandular approaches. Although retropectoral approaches report less capsular formation than retroglandular approaches, capsule formation is not solely related to the location of the pocket.
1. Tebbetts JB. Dual plane breast augmentation: optimizing implant-soft-tissue relationships in wide range of breast types. Plast Reconstr Surg 2001; 107(5):1255- 72.