Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

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Category: Obstetrics & Gynecology--->Human Sexuality and Contraception
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Question 16# Print Question

A 23-year-old woman presents for her postpartum visit and contraception management. She delivered by spontaneous vaginal delivery 6 weeks ago and is breastfeeding. After reviewing her history and performing physical examination, you discuss the various methods of contraception with the patient. She opts for depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DepoProvera).

Which of the following is a disadvantage of Depo-Provera?

A. Impairment of lactation
B. Increased risk of hepatic cancer
C. Iron deficiency anemia
D. Irreversible bone loss
E. Prolonged anovulation

Question 17# Print Question

A 36-year-old woman presents to your office to discuss contraception. She has had three vaginal deliveries without complications. Her medical history is significant for hypertension, well controlled with a diuretic, and a seizure disorder. Her last seizure was 12 years ago. Currently she does not take any antiepileptic medications. She also reports stress-related headaches that are relieved with an over-the-counter pain medication. She has never had any surgery. She is divorced, smokes one pack of cigarettes per day, and has three to four alcoholic drinks per week. On examination, her vital signs include weight 90 kg, blood pressure 126/80 mm Hg, pulse 68 beats per minute, respiratory rate 16 breaths per minute, and temperature 36.4°C (97.6°F). Her examination is normal except for some lower extremity nontender varicosities. She has taken birth control pills in the past and wants to restart them because they help with her cramps.

Which of the following would contradict the use of combination oral contraceptive pills in this patient?

A. Varicose veins
B. Tension headache
C. Seizure disorders
D. Smoking in a woman older than 35 years
E. Mild essential hypertension

Question 18# Print Question

A 32-year-old woman presents to your office to discuss contraception. She has recently stopped breastfeeding her 8-month-old son, and wants to stop her progestin-only pill (mini pill) because her cycles are irregular on it. You recommend a combination pill to help regulate her cycle. You also mention that with estrogen added, the contraceptive efficacy is also higher.

In combination oral contraceptives, which of the following is the primary contraceptive effect of the estrogenic component?

A. Conversion of ethinyl estradiol to mestranol
B. Atrophy of the endometrium
C. Suppression of cervical mucus secretion
D. Suppression of luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion
E. Suppression of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion

Question 19# Print Question

A 22-year-old woman presents to your office for her well-woman examination and contraception. She has no medical problems or prior surgeries. She does not smoke or drink. Her vital signs and physical examination are normal. You explain the risks and benefits of combination oral contraceptive pills to the patient. She wants to know how they will keep her from getting pregnant.

Which of the following mechanisms best explains the contraceptive effect of birth control pills that contain both synthetic estrogen and progestin?

A. Direct inhibition of oocyte maturation
B. Inhibition of ovulation
C. Production of uterine secretions that are toxic to developing embryos
D. Impairment of implantation hyperplastic changes of the endometrium
E. Impairment of sperm transport caused by uterotubal obstruction

Question 20# Print Question

A 34-year-old G3P3 presents to discuss options for permanent sterilization. She has read about hysteroscopic sterilization, and is interested in having this procedure.

Which of the following is a contraindication to this procedure?

A. Nickel allergy
B. Grand multiparity
C. History of postpartum endometritis
D. History of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
E. History of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Category: Obstetrics & Gynecology--->Human Sexuality and Contraception
Page: 4 of 8