Which of the following cancer is caused by vinyl chloride the most?
Correct Answer D: Vinyl chloride is a toxic chemical compound frequently used in manufacturing. It is a combustible, colorless gas. A known human carcinogen, vinyl chloride can cause liver cancer, brain cancer, angiosarcoma and less commonly lung cancer. People are exposed to vinyl chloride by either breathing in air containing vinyl chloride or consuming water contaminated with it.
All of the following can cause cancer, except:
Correct Answer A: Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer commonly added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified MSG as a food ingredient that is "generally recognized as safe," the use of MSG remains controversial.
MSG has been used as a food additive for decades. A comprehensive review of all available scientific data on glutamate safety sponsored by the FDA reaffirmed the safety of MSG when consumed at levels typically used in cooking and food manufacturing. The report found no evidence to suggest that MSG contributes to any long-term health problems, such as Alzheimer's disease. But it did acknowledge that some people may have short-term reactions to MSG. These reactions may include: headache, flushing, sweating, sense of facial pressure or tightness, numbness, tingling or burning in or around the mouth, rapid, fluttering heartbeats (heart palpitations), chest pain and shortness of breath.
High fat diet can cause colon cancer, alcohol can causes liver cancer and smoking causes numerous cancers, most commonly of the lung.
Rehabilitation after a motor vehicle accident is a type of:
Correct Answer C:
1- Primary Prevention is trying to prevent a problem before it shows any signs of appearing. Goal is to remove risk factors.
Examples: In people with no signs of heart disease, educating them on exercise and diet, and urging them not to smoke. Giving immunizations to kids so that they don’t get the diseases.
2- Secondary Prevention is dealing with the early signs of a potential problem. Designed for early detection and treatment.
Examples: Intervening with people who have high blood pressure (an early condition that might lead to heart disease), through medication or other methods. Screening higher risk patients with tests (eg cholesterol levels for obese patients, colonoscopy for those with positive family history of colon cancer).
3- Tertiary Prevention: is treating people who have the full, actual illness.
Examples: Performing heart surgery on people with advanced disease. Giving rehab to someone who has had a stroke or been in an accident.
Primary prevention will lead to a:
Correct Answer B: Prevalence is defined as the number of cases of diseases at a specific point in time. Incidence is the number of new cases of a disease arising within a specified time period.
Primary prevention generally involves the prevention of diseases and conditions before their biological onset. Examples include giving immunizations to children and education to diminish risk-taking behaviors. Primary prevention will therefore decrease the incidence of a disease.
All of the following are examples of primary prevention, except:
1- Primary Prevention is trying to prevent/inhibit a problem before it shows any signs of appearing. Goal is to remove risk factors.
2- Secondary Prevention is dealing with the early signs of a potential problem. Designed for early detection and treatment. (it is also called 'screening')
Examples: Intervening with people who have high blood pressure, through medication or other methods. Screening higher risk patients with tests (eg cholesterol levels for obese patients, colonoscopy for those with positive family history of colon cancer).