Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

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Category: Obstetrics & Gynecology--->Obstetrical Complications of Pregnancy
Page: 7

Question 31# Print Question

A 38-year-old G4P3 at 33 weeks’ gestation presents for a routine OB visit, and is noted to have a fundal height of 29 cm. An ultrasound is performed, and demonstrates an EFW in the 5 percentile for the gestational age. The biparietal diameter and abdominal circumference are concordant in size.

Which of the following is associated with symmetric growth restriction?

A. Nutritional deficiencies
B. Chromosome abnormalities
C. Hypertension
D. Uteroplacental insufficiency
E. Gestational diabetes

Question 32# Print Question

A 38-year-old G4P3 at 33 weeks’ gestation presents for a routine OB visit, and is noted to have a fundal height of 29 cm. An ultrasound is performed, and demonstrates an EFW in the 5 percentile for the gestational age. The biparietal diameter and abdominal circumference are concordant in size.

Which of the following factors would indicate that this fetus needs to be delivered?

A. A biophysical profile (BPP) of 8/10
B. Estimated fetal weight (EFW) in the 5 percentile
C. Normal umbilical artery dopplers
D. Absence of interval growth on a repeat ultrasound in 2 weeks
E. Amniocentesis demonstrating fetal trisomy 21

Question 33# Print Question

A 26-year-old G1 at 37 weeks presents to the hospital in active labor. She has no medical problems and has a normal prenatal course except for fetal growth restriction. She undergoes an uncomplicated vaginal delivery of a female infant weighing 1950 g.

The infant is at risk for which of the following complications?

A. Hyperglycemia
B. Fever
C. Hypertension
D. Anemia
E. Hypoxia

Question 34# Print Question

A 38-year-old G2P1 comes to see you for her first prenatal visit at 10 weeks’ gestation. She had a previous term vaginal delivery without any complications. You detect fetal heart tones at this visit, and her uterine size is consistent with dates. You also order routine prenatal laboratory tests, which return showing that her blood type is A-, and she has a positive antibody screen, with an anti-D antibody titer of 1:4.

Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in the management of this patient?

A. Schedule an amniocentesis for amniotic fluid bilirubin at 16 weeks
B. Repeat the titer in 4 weeks
C. Repeat the titer at 28 weeks
D. Schedule percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS) to determine fetal hematocrit at 20 weeks
E. Schedule PUBS as soon as possible to determine fetal blood type

Question 35# Print Question

A 23-year-old G3P1011 at 6 weeks presents for routine prenatal care. She had a cesarean delivery 3 years ago for breech presentation after a failed external cephalic version. Her daughter is Rh-negative. She also had an elective termination of pregnancy 1 year ago. She is Rh-negative and is found to have a positive anti-D titer of 1:8 on routine prenatal laboratory findings.

Failure to administer RhoGAM at which time is the most likely cause of her sensitization?

A. After elective termination
B. At the time of cesarean delivery
C. At the time of external cephalic version
D. Within 3 days of delivering an Rh-negative fetus
E. At 28 weeks in the pregnancy for which she had a cesarean delivery

Category: Obstetrics & Gynecology--->Obstetrical Complications of Pregnancy
Page: 7 of 8