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Category: Psychiatry--->General Adult Psychiatry
Page: 9

Question 41# Print Question

All of the following indicate a better treatment response to ECT except:

A. Shorter illness duration
B. Past response to antidepressant treatment
C. Significant post-ictal suppression on EEG
D. High ictal amplitude on EEG
E. Past history of mania

Question 42# Print Question

While treating social anxiety disorder with SSRIs, an adequate treatment trial should probably extend to:

A. 4 weeks
B. 6 weeks
C. 12 weeks
D. 24 weeks
E. 18 months

Question 43# Print Question

A 32-year-old woman presents with concerns regarding her ‘ugly appearance’. She had been convinced for a long time that her appearance was defective and was particularly worried about her ‘streak’ eyes. She admitted spending at least 14–16 hours a day thinking about her appearance and comparing herself with other people or seeking reassurance from others.

Which of the following is true with regard to the treatment of this condition?

A. She may respond to higher than usual antidepressant doses of serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
B. There is a good evidence for response to ECT in this condition
C. She has a comparable likelihood of response to SSRIs and non-SSRID antidepressants
D. She will require a shorter than usual duration of treatment trial with SSRIs
E. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) has no role in the treatment

Question 44# Print Question

A 17-year-old girl is admitted to a medical unit following a prolonged period of repeated bingeing and vomiting. She induces vomiting at least six times a day but does not use laxatives or diuretics.

Which of the following laboratory finding is most likely in this patient?

A. Low urea levels
B. High potassium levels
C. Low bicarbonate levels
D. Increased thyroxine levels
E. High amylase levels

Question 45# Print Question

A 54-year-old African-Caribbean man had systematized persecutory delusions that prevented him from eating for 5 weeks. Following admission to a medical unit he was started on realimentation, despite which he developed diplopia, bilateral horizontal nystagmus and right sixth cranial nerve palsy. He had no past history of alcohol use. On transfer to a psychiatric ward, he was started on a normal diet but soon his phosphate levels were markedly reduced (0.26 mmol/L).

The most likely diagnosis is:

A. Normal pressure hydrocephalus
B. Olanzapine overdose
C. Refeeding syndrome
D. Laxative abuse
E. Hepatic failure

Category: Psychiatry--->General Adult Psychiatry
Page: 9 of 10