Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

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Category: Surgery--->The Esophagus and Diaphragmatic Hernia
Page: 1

Question 1# Print Question

Locations of anatomic narrowing of the esophagus seen on an esophagram include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Lower esophageal sphincter
B. Crossing of the left mainstem bronchus and aortic arch
C. Thoracic outlet
D. Cricopharyngeal muscle

Question 2# Print Question

The cervical esophagus receives its blood supply primarily from the:

A. Internal carotid artery
B. Inferior thyroid artery
C. Superior thyroid artery
D. Inferior cervical artery
E. Facial artery

Question 3# Print Question

All of the following cranial nerves are involved in the swallowing mechanism EXCEPT:

A. V
D. X

Question 4# Print Question

All of these are parts of the human antireflux mechanism EXCEPT:

A. Adequate gastric reservoir
B. Mechanically functioning lower esophageal sphincter (LES)
C. Mucus secreting cells of the distal esophagus
D. Efficient esophageal clearance

Question 5# Print Question

Physiologic reflux happens most commonly when a person is:

A. Awake and supine
B. Awake and upright
C. Asleep and supine
D. Asleep and semi-erect

Category: Surgery--->The Esophagus and Diaphragmatic Hernia
Page: 1 of 6