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Category: Surgery--->Colon, Rectum, and Anus
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Question 1# Print Question

A 74-year-old man with biopsy-proven rectal adenocarcinoma is undergoing a low anterior resection. Which layers must be stapled through when resecting the distal portion of resection specimen?

A. Mucosa, submucosa, circular muscle layer, longitudinal muscle layer, and serosa
B. Mucosa, submucosa, longitudinal muscle layer, circular muscle layer, and serosa
C. Mucosa, submucosa, longitudinal muscle layer, and circular muscle layer
D. Mucosa, submucosa, circular muscle layer, and serosa

Question 2# Print Question

Which layer of muscle joins together to form the internal anal sphincter?

A. Circumferential muscle layer
B. Longitudinal muscle layer
C. Puborectalis muscle
D. Circular muscle layer

Question 3# Print Question

A 24-year-old woman with medically refractory ulcerative colitis decides to undergo a total colectomy. During this procedure, where would it be most appropriate to look for the inferior mesenteric vein in order to ligate it? 

A. Look for the inferior mesenteric artery; the veins of the colon usually parallel with the corresponding arteries
B. The inferior mesenteric artery can be ligated within the peritoneum, where it joins with the superior mesenteric artery
C. The inferior mesenteric vein is often ligated at the inferior edge of the pancreas, just below where it joins with the splenic vein
D. The inferior mesenteric vein will not be ligated for this procedure

Question 4# Print Question

An anatomy class is dissecting out the rectum. What are the correct fascial arrangements that they will encounter during this dissection?

A. The presacral fascia separates the rectum from the presacral venous plexus and the pelvic nerves; Waldeyer fascia extends forward and downward and attaches to the fascia propria at the anorectal junction. Denonvilliers fascia separates the rectum from the prostate and seminal vesicles in men and from the vagina in women
B. The presacral fascia extends forward and downward and attaches to the fascia propria at the anorectal junction; Waldeyer fascia separates the rectum from the prostate and seminal vesicles in men and from the vagina in women; Denonvilliers fascia separates the rectum from the presacral venous plexus and the pelvic nerves
C. The presacral fascia separates the rectum from the prostate and seminal vesicles in men and from the vagina in women; Waldeyer fascia extends forward and downward and attaches to the fascia propria at the anorectal junction; Denonvilliers fascia separates the rectum from the presacral venous plexus and the pelvic nerves
D. The presacral fascia separates the rectum from the prostate and seminal vesicles in men and from the vagina in women; Waldeyer fascia extends backward and downward and attaches to the fascia propria at the anorectal junction; Denonvilliers fascia separates the rectum from the presacral venous plexus and the pelvic nerves

Question 5# Print Question

Choose the correct definition of intestinal malrotation:

A. At the 4th week of gestation the midgut herniates through the abdominal cavity, rotates 270° clockwise around the superior mesenteric artery and then travels to its resting place in the abdomen during the 10th week
B. At the 4th week of gestation the midgut herniates through the abdominal cavity, rotates 270° counterclockwise around the superior mesenteric artery and then travels to its resting place in the abdomen during the 12th week
C. At the 6th week of gestation the midgut herniates through the abdominal cavity, rotates 270° clockwise around the superior mesenteric artery and then travels to its resting place in the abdomen during the 12th week
D. At the 6th week of gestation the midgut herniates through the abdominal cavity, rotates 270° counterclockwise around the superior mesenteric artery and then travels to its resting place in the abdomen during the 10th week

Category: Surgery--->Colon, Rectum, and Anus
Page: 1 of 8