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Category: Plastic Surgery--->Reconstructive head and neck surgery
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Question 1# Print Question

Which is true concerning reconstruction of the eyelids?

A. The Mustardé flap and the Tenzel flap are equivalent
B. Defects of up to 50% may be closed primarily with the addition of a canthotomy and cantholysis
C. Defects greater than 75% are unreconstructable
D. The Tripier flap is a single stage bilobed flap suitable for reconstruction of the entire lower eyelid
E. Defects of up to 75% may be closed primarily with the addition of a canthotomy and cantholysis

Question 2# Print Question

Frey’s syndrome:

A. Occurs in approximately 50% of patients following a submandibular gland excision
B. Occurs when parasympathetic innervation of sweat glands is replaced by sympathetic innervation to the parotid gland
C. Botulinum toxin is licensed for use in its symptomatic treatment
D. Was described by Lucja Frey-Gottesman in the 8th century
E. Is also known as Baillarger’s syndrome

Question 3# Print Question

 Sensory nerves to the ear include all except:

A. Auricular branch of vagus
B. Superficial temporal nerve
C. Auriculotemporal nerve
D. Lesser occipital nerve
E. Great auricular nerve
Question 4# Print Question

With regards to the eyes and eyelids, which statement is correct?

A. The lacrimal gland secretes tears which are bilaminar, consisting of a superficial mucoprotein layer and a deep aqueous layer
B. The lacrimal gland has three lobes
C. Tears bend incoming light before it strikes the cornea with up to 2.0 diopters of refractile power
D. The superior tarsal plate is 8-10mm in vertical height and the inferior tarsal plate is smaller at 4-6mm
E. The lacrimal sac is situated above and medial to the lateral canthus

Question 5# Print Question

In relation to pharyngoplasty:

A. Hynes’ procedure is a posterior wall technique
B. Orticochea described a posterior wall technique
C. Lateral wall techniques can result in snoring and respiratory obstruction
D. Inferiorly-based techniques involve elevation of a flap that is inset into the hard palate
E. Nasendoscopy with contrast medium can help assess suitability for surgery

Category: Plastic Surgery--->Reconstructive head and neck surgery
Page: 1 of 11