Which is true concerning reconstruction of the eyelids?
Defects of up to 50% may be closed primarily with the addition of a canthotomy and cantholysis. The Tripier flap is a bipedicled flap suitable for reconstruction of the anterior lamella. Subtotal eyelid defects can be reconstructed in parts, such as with chondromucosal grafts for the posterior lamella and cheek flaps for the anterior lamella. Tenzel and Mustardé described different flaps, the former being a smaller flap based around the outer canthus and the latter a cheek rotation flap.
Frey’s syndrome:
Is also known as Baillarger’s syndrome. Frey’s syndrome only occurs after surgical procedures on the parotid gland. It occurs when parasympathetic fibres normally destined for the parotid reinnervate the sympathetic receptors of the sweat glands. It can be treated by botulinum toxin but currently there is no licence for this. Although Lucja Frey-Gottesman described the syndrome, it was not in the 8th century and it is also known as Baillarger’s syndrome.
Sensory nerves to the ear include all except:
With regards to the eyes and eyelids, which statement is correct?
The superior tarsal plate is 8-10 mm in vertical height and the inferior tarsal plate is smaller at 4-6mm. The lacrimal gland secretes a trilaminar layer of tears consisting of a deep mucoprotein layer, a middle aqueous layer and a superficial lipid layer. The lacrimal gland has two lobes, the larger orbital lobe and a smaller palpebral lobe. Tears have a refractive power of up to 0.5 diopters. The lacrimal gland is situated above and medial to the lateral canthus, whereas the lacrimal sac is medial to the medial canthus, posterior to the insertion of the canthal tendon within the lacrimal fossa.
In relation to pharyngoplasty: