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Question 6# Print Question

A 54-year-old man presents with significant eye pain. On further investigation, he recalls multiple episodes of sinusitis. On physical examination, he is noted to have a saddle-nose deformity, a tender, erythematous, and swollen ear, and mild inspiratory stridor. On eye examination, the patient has evidence of scleritis.

What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Sarcoidosis
B. Syphilis
C. Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
D. Polyarteritis nodosa
E. Relapsing polychondritis

Question 7# Print Question

Shortly after a total thyroidectomy performed for follicular carcinoma, a 61-year-old woman is extubated. Her voice is initially hoarse, and shortly afterward there is a shrill high-pitched noise with each inspiration and she is observed to be gasping for air. There are no signs of swelling at the surgical site. The patient continues to have difficulty breathing and is re-intubated.

What is the most likely etiology of her symptoms?

A. Hypocalcemia
B. Haemophilus influenzae
C. Nerve injury
D. Hematoma
E. Anaphylaxis

Question 8# Print Question

A 46-year-old man with a lifelong history of asthma develops worsening shortness of breath and a productive cough over the past 2 weeks. Laboratory samples are drawn in the Emergency Department and are shown below.

  • Hemoglobin   13.2 g/dL
  • Mean corpuscular volume   89 fL
  • Mean corpuscular hemoglobin   31.0 pg
  • Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration   34.5 g/dL
  • Red cell distribution width   14.6 fL
  • Leukocyte count   6,700/mm3
  • Neutrophils   51%
  • Lymphocytes   24%
  • Eosinophils   22%
  • Basophils   3%
  • Platelets   250,000/mm3

A chest x-ray shows parenchymal infiltrates and evidence of bronchiolar dilation.

What is the most likely cause of his pneumonia?

A. Mycoplasma pneumoniae
B. Streptococcus pneumoniae
C. Klebsiella pneumoniae
D. Aspergillus
E. Acute HIV infection

Question 9# Print Question

A 22-year-old man presents with abdominal pain for the last 4 years. The patient reports that the pain improves with defecation. He denies nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss. The patient has an extensive family history of colon cancer (several of whom were diagnosed before the age of 40). Colonoscopy reveals hundreds of polyps in the colon and rectum.

Which is the risk of colon cancer in this patient’s lifetime?


A. 10%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 95%
E. 100%

Question 10# Print Question

A 24-year-old man presents to the hospital after a near drowning. He has a history of a seizure disorder and experienced a seizure while swimming in his pool. He is currently alert but having difficulty breathing. His temperature is 37.3°C, blood pressure is 110/72 mmHg, heart rate is 134 beats per minute, and respiratory rate is 32 breaths per minute. He has no jugular venous distention, and other than being tachypneic, he has a normal physical examination. An arterial blood gas shows a PaO2 of 85 mmHg on supplemental oxygen with a face mask set to a fraction of inspired oxygen of 50%. A chest x-ray is ordered and shows bilateral infiltrates.

Which of the following is the correct diagnosis?

A. Heart failure
B. Central hypoventilation
C. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
D. Aspiration pneumonitis

Category: Q&A Medicine--->Practice Examination
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