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Category: Obstetrics & Gynecology--->Sexual Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence
Page: 3

Question 11# Print Question

A family medicine physician refers a 19-year-old woman to you for abnormal findings during her well-woman examination. She emigrated to the United States with her family 6 years ago from West Africa. She is not sexually active at this time, but has had one partner 2 years ago. She has no history of sexually transmitted infections. She takes nitrofurantoin for recurrent urinary tract infections, but is otherwise healthy. She says she has not had any surgeries, but she remembers undergoing a special ceremony as young child in Africa. Lung, cardiac, breast, and abdominal examinations are within normal limits. On pelvic examination you note extensive scarring on the vulva, and the labia minora have been removed. The prepuce of the clitoris is missing and the clitoris is scarred over.

Which of the following is most likely a result of the procedure the patient had in Africa?

A. Amenorrhea
B. Decreased vaginal infections
C. Easier vaginal deliveries
D. Enhanced sexual function
E. Psychosomatic symptoms

Question 12# Print Question

A 5-year-old girl is brought in to the emergency department by her mother. The mother is concerned that her daughter may have been sexually molested. She reports that her daughter has been complaining of abdominal pain, and has been particularly clingy. This morning, she noted some bloody discharge on her daughter’s underwear. The child lives at home with her mother, 1-year-old brother, maternal aunt, and 18-year-old cousin. The child’s father is dead, and her mother is not seeing anyone currently.

Which of the following is the most likely abuser?

A. Male stranger
B. Female stranger
C. Male relative
D. Female relative
E. Mother

Question 13# Print Question

A mother brings in her 16-year-old daughter for an evaluation of chronic abdominal pain. You have seen the girl many times before for various vague complaints over the past year. She has regular cycles that last 4 days with medium to light flow. She reports no dysmenorrhea, gastrointestinal symptoms, or depression. She says she is not sexually active. The mother states that lately she has been doing poorly in school. She denies drug or alcohol use. Her mother thinks it may be related to recent changes at home since the mother’s boyfriend moved in. Your examination and laboratory tests are normal. A previous workup by a gastroenterologist was also negative.

Which of the following is the best next step in the management of this patient’s symptoms?

A. Initiate biofeedback therapy for chronic pain
B. Order immediate psychiatric evaluation
C. Prescribe antibiotics for chronic gastroenteritis
D. Prescribe an antidepressant
E. Question the patient about possible sexual abuse

Question 14# Print Question

You are called to the pediatric emergency department to evaluate a 7-year-old girl for sexual assault.

As a health care provider taking care of this girl, which of the following are you required to do?

A. Administer antibiotics only if testing for infection is positive
B. Demand that the child be placed in foster care pending further investigation
C. Hospitalize the child until the offender has been apprehended
D. Inform the parents that they must notify the police
E. Notify child welfare authorities

Question 15# Print Question

A 25-year-old G1P0 presents to your office for a routine return OB visit at 30 weeks. When you listen to the fetal heart tones, you notice that the patient has a number of bruises on her abdomen. You ask her what happened, and she tells you the bruises resulted from a fall she suffered several days earlier, when she slipped on the stairs. The patient returns to your office 3 weeks later for another routine visit, and you note that she has a broken arm in a cast. She says that she fell again. You question her about physical abuse, and the patient begins crying, and reveals a long-standing history of abuse by her husband.

Which of the following is the most likely reason for upper extremity injury in this patient?

A. Injury from being restrained
B. Defensive injury
C. Fall from being pushed
D. Injury related to striking back at her husband
E. Self-inflicted wounds

Category: Obstetrics & Gynecology--->Sexual Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence
Page: 3 of 4