Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

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Category: Q&A Medicine--->Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders
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Question 16# Print Question

A 73-year-old woman with a history of type 2 diabetes and hypertension presents with rapid breathing, nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Her blood glucose has been well controlled and a rapid bedside blood glucose test reveals a level of 106 mg/dL. She informs you that 3 weeks ago she was taken off an oral antidiabetic medication due to several episodes of hypoglycemia and started on another oral antidiabetic medication, but she cannot recall the name. She has a temperature of 36.8°C, blood pressure of 120/78 mmHg, heart rate of 96 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 28 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% on room air.

Based on clinical history and physical examination, which of the following do you expect on arterial blood gas?

A. Metabolic alkalosis
B. Respiratory acidosis
C. Respiratory alkalosis
D. Metabolic acidosis with high anion gap
E. Metabolic acidosis with normal anion gap

Question 17# Print Question

A 53-year-old man with a history of thyroid medullary cancer presents with several episodes of a “racing heart,” palpitations, diaphoresis, and headaches. He has a temperature of 37.8°C, blood pressure of 158/96 mmHg, heart rate of 96 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 18 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% on room air. Urine test reveals small amounts of normetanephrine and metanephrine.

Which of the following, if present in this patient, would establish the diagnosis as multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) type 2B?

A. Parathyroid hyperplasia
B. Mucocutaneous neuromas
C. Pituitary adenoma
D. Proptosis

Question 18# Print Question

A 23-year-old man with a history of type 1 diabetes presents with nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and rapid breathing. His girlfriend reports that he has a “nail polish” odor. The symptoms appeared 24 hours ago and have rapidly worsened. Two weeks ago he was treated for pneumonia. He has a temperature of 37.8°C, blood pressure of 92/58 mmHg, heart rate of 104 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 26 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 94% on room air. Physical examination reveals decreased skin turgor, dry axillae and oral mucosa, and low jugular venous pressure. Laboratory results reveal the following:

  • Sodium   142 mEq/L
  • Potassium   4.0 mEq/L
  • Chloride   100 mEq/L
  • Bicarbonate   14 mEq/L
  • Blood urea nitrogen   16 mg/dL
  • Creatinine   0.8 mg/dL
  • Glucose   620 mg/dL
  • β-hydroxybutyrate   8.4 mg/dL (normal range, 0.21 to 2.81 mg/dL)

Arterial blood gas

  • pH   7.28

Treatment with IV fluids and insulin is initiated.

Which of the following should NOT be used to monitor response to therapy?

A. Urine ketones via nitroprusside test
B. Serum β-hydroxybutyrate level
C. Serum bicarbonate concentration
D. Serum anion gap

Question 19# Print Question

A 39-year-old man presents with anxiety, sweating, and palpitations for the last 2 months. He has a blood pressure of 168/112 mmHg and his pulse is 84 beats per minute. The patient is diaphoretic on physical examination. Urine normetanephrine and metanephrine levels are found to be elevated.

Before surgical resection is performed for this condition, what medication must be administered?

A. Atenolol
B. Phenoxybenzamine
C. Lisinopril
D. Clonidine

Question 20# Print Question

A 31-year-old woman presents with difficulty breastfeeding. She recently birthed a healthy baby boy via normal vaginal delivery with what she describes as “moderately heavy blood loss.” The patient also has noted diffusely dry skin, cold intolerance, and weight gain. She has not initiated her menstrual cycle yet. Physical examination reveals diffuse xerosis and thinning hair.

Which of the following is the likely diagnosis?

A. Autoimmune hypophysitis
B. Hashimoto thyroiditis
C. Premature ovarian failure
D. Sheehan syndrome

Category: Q&A Medicine--->Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders
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