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Category: Obstetrics & Gynecology--->The Puerperium, Lactation, and Immediate Care of the Newborn
Page: 6

Question 26# Print Question

A 40-year-old G4P5 at 39 weeks’ gestation has progressed rapidly in labor with a reassuring fetal heart rate pattern. She has had an uncomplicated pregnancy with normal prenatal laboratory tests, including an amniocentesis for advanced maternal age. The patient begins the second stage of labor, and after 15 minutes of pushing, starts to demonstrate recurrent variable heart rate accelerations. You suspect that she may have a fetus with a nuchal cord. You expediently deliver the baby by low-outlet forceps, and hand the baby over to the neonatologists called to attend the delivery. As soon as the baby is handed off to the pediatric team, it lets out a strong spontaneous cry. The infant is pink with slightly blue extremities that are actively moving and kicking. The heart rate is noted to be 110 beats per minute on auscultation.

What Apgar score should the pediatricians assign to this baby at 1 minute of life?

A. 10
B. 9
C. 8
D. 7
E. 6

Question 27# Print Question

A 32-year-old G2P1 at 41 weeks’ gestation is undergoing an induction of labor for oligohydramnios. During the course of her labor, the fetal heart rate tracing demonstrates recurrent variable decelerations that do not respond to oxygen, intravenous fluid, or amnioinfusion. The patient’s cervix is dilated to 4 cm. A low-transverse cesarean delivery is performed for a nonreassuring fetal heart tracing remote from delivery. After delivery of the fetus, you send a cord gas, which comes back with the following arterial blood values: pH 7.29, Pco2 50 mm Hg, and Po2 20 mm Hg.

What condition does the cord blood gas indicate?

A. Normal fetal status
B. Fetal acidemia
C. Fetal hypoxia
D. Fetal asphyxia
E. Fetal metabolic acidosis

Question 28# Print Question

You are asked to assist in the well-born nursery with neonatal care.

Which of the following is a part of routine care in a healthy infant?

A. Administration of ceftriaxone cream to the eyes for prophylaxis for gonorrhea and chlamydia
B. Administration of vitamin A to prevent bleeding problems
C. Administration of hepatitis B vaccination for routine immunization
D. Cool-water bath to remove vernix
E. Placement of a computer chip in left buttock for identification purposes

Question 29# Print Question

A 35-year-old G2P2 presents for her routine postpartum visit. Her pregnancy was complicated by gestational diabetes, which was diagnosed in the second trimester during routine screening. She has no other medical problems, and she has no family history of diabetes. She gained 25 pounds during her pregnancy, and her gestational diabetes was managed with diet modification. 

She asks whether she is at an increased risk for diabetes later in life. How should you counsel her?

A. She is not at an increased risk for development of diabetes
B. She has an increased risk of type 1 diabetes later in life
C. She has an increased risk of type 2 diabetes later in life
D. If she loses all of the weight she gained during her pregnancy, she will not be at an increased risk for development of diabetes later in life
E. She has an increased risk of diabetes only if she has a family history of diabetes in a first degree relative

Question 30# Print Question

A 35-year-old G2P2 presents for her routine postpartum visit. Her pregnancy was complicated by gestational diabetes, which was diagnosed in the second trimester during routine screening. She has no other medical problems, and she has no family history of diabetes. She gained 25 pounds during her pregnancy, and her gestational diabetes was managed with diet modification. 

The patient asks if the fact that she had gestational diabetes might have any long-term effects on her baby.

How should you counsel her?

A. Offspring of mothers with gestational diabetes are at an increased risk for obesity later in life
B. Her baby has an increased risk of developing type 1 diabetes
C. As long as her baby maintains a normal weight during childhood and adolescence, there is no increased risk for development of diabetes later in life
D. Her baby has an increased risk of neurodevelopmental complications
E. Offspring of mothers with gestational diabetes do not have any increased risks compared to offspring of mothers without gestational diabetes

Category: Obstetrics & Gynecology--->The Puerperium, Lactation, and Immediate Care of the Newborn
Page: 6 of 7