Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

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Category: Emergency Medicine--->Obstetric and Gynaecological Emergencies
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Question 1# Print Question

A 24-year-old female presents to the emergency department (ED) with a history of intractable vomiting for 4 weeks. She is 13 weeks pregnant. On examination she appears dehydrated with evidence of recent weight loss. The rest of her examination is normal. Her urine shows ketones 1+ and her blood sugar level is 5.8 mmol/L.

Regarding hyperemesis gravidarum in this case, which ONE of the following statements is FALSE?

A. Thiamine should be administered to prevent Wernicke’s encephalopathy
B. Glucose containing (5–10%) intravenous (IV) fluids is the preferable initial choice of fluid in prolonged cases of hyperemesis
C. Pyridoxine has been shown to reduce nausea in pregnancy
D. Metoclopramide is a Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) category A drug in pregnancy

Question 2# Print Question

Regarding ultrasound findings in early pregnancy, which ONE of the following is TRUE?

A. Evidence of an intrauterine gestational sac excludes an ectopic pregnancy
B. The absence of a yolk sac in the presence of a gestational sac >10 mm visible on a transabdominal ultrasound performed in the ED indicates a blighted ovum
C. The first evidence of an intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) includes the intra-decidual sign, gestational sac and double decidual sign
D. An indeterminate ultrasound refers to an ultrasound where no signs of IUP can be demonstrated

Question 3# Print Question

Regarding the clinical features of ectopic pregnancies, which ONE of the following is TRUE?

A. Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy are present in almost all cases
B. The passage of tissue can differentiate between an ectopic and an IUP
C. Uterine size for estimated gestational age is most often normal
D. Abnormal vaginal bleeding is the most common presenting symptom in patients with ectopic pregnancy

Question 4# Print Question

Regarding threatened miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy, which ONE of the following is TRUE?

A. About 90% of patients where embryonic or fetal cardiac activity can be demonstrated on ultrasound, will continue with the pregnancy
B. Embryonic bradycardia is dismissible and does not alter the prognosis
C. Severity of bleeding correlates with the risk of patients proceeding to a complete miscarriage
D. Bed rest is recommended because it may influence the outcome

Question 5# Print Question

Regarding serial βHCG testing in early pregnancy, which ONE of the following is MOST CORRECT?

A. A rise in βHCG >50% in 48 hours suggests a viable pregnancy
B. A normal doubling time of βHCG in 48 hours on serial testing excludes ectopic pregnancy
C. A very low βHCG <100 mIU/mL excludes an ectopic pregnancy
D. βHCG >1500 mIU/mL is the discriminatory zone above which an IUP can reliably be visualised on transabdominal ultrasound

Category: Emergency Medicine--->Obstetric and Gynaecological Emergencies
Page: 1 of 5